Daye Bensa’s Gatta Farm isn’t only a farm, it consists of a drying station, a lodge and a training facility. During harvesting season, the drying station becomes active and also offers accommodation for employees or trainees until the training has ended. The training facility offers training in coffee processing for interested individuals.
Gatta Farm was a natural forest before being discovered by the co-founder Mulugeta Dukamo while managing the construction of Gafisse Station. They planted the first coffees in 2013 and established the drying station in 2017. The vegetation and forest surrounding the farm is useful as natural shade for the farm and the drying station. Plantation, harvesting and processing works are mainly done by the local residents. A lot of women are involved and are mainly assigned to quality control and processing, except for labor intensive tasks. By offering working opportunities and proper wage this is a real benefit for the local residents.
This is the second honeyed coffee we’ve had from the Daye Bensa group. After floating the red cherries, they pulp the cherries leaving the desired amount of mucilage on the cherries and then they tranfer them to raised beds for drying. The word “Malawo” means honey in the local language.
Tastes like
strawberry jelly
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